I love a clean kitchen. Is there anything better? Everything put in it’s place. Crumb-free. A girl can dream right? I find ten minutes after I clean mine, I am back at square one. I suppose we accept this when we parent toddlers. I would much prefer a messy kitchen with my sweet boys than the alternative. So, even if it can’t be super clean, it can still be very pretty. I love blue in a kitchen because it feels inviting yet crisp and clean! I own more than half of these items. I have been collecting them over the last few months for our new space and I can’t wait to roll them out! I know I will go into full nesting mode in every cabinet and drawer once the project is complete. I was a major nester when I was pregnant with both boys.

I hope you enjoy these finds as much as I do. I love an Amazon deal and many of these items are discounted right now! My personal favorite is the expandable colander. It expands to cover the width of my kitchen sink without slipping which is super helpful when I am trying to make a quick meal for my family.

Click here to shop. I would LOVE it if you would consider following my Amazon Storefront as well. I am adding new items every day!


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